actdev(double) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.BPLayer
Applies first derivative of layer's activation function to activation on unit (not net input).
actfun(double) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.BPLayer
Applies layer's activation function to net input.
activate(BPLayer, double[]) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.BPLayer
Activates this layer by clamping activations on another and running a forward pass.
add(double) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNVector
Adds a scalar to this vector.
add(SNMatrix) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNMatrix
Adds a matrix to this matrix.
add(SNVector) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNVector
Adds a vector to this vector.
add(SNVector, double) - Static method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNVector
Returns the sum of a vector and a scalar.
add(SNVector, SNVector) - Static method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNVector
Returns the sum of two vectors.
and(SNVector) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNVector
Returns the logical AND of this vector with another.
arrayMultiply(SNMatrix, SNMatrix) - Static method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNMatrix
Returns a matrix containing the products of the elements of two matrices.
arrayMultiply(SNVector) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNVector
Multiplies the elements of this vector by those of another.
arrayMultiply(SNVector, SNVector) - Static method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNVector
Returns a vector containing the products of the elements of two vectors.
attach(double[][]) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.BPLayer
Attaches pattern to layer as input or target.


batch(double, double) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.BPLayer
Runs one step of back-propagation in batch mode.
batch(int, double, double) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.BPLayer
Same as batch(nep, eta, mu, report), but with error reporting every second.
batch(int, double, double, int) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.BPLayer
Trains all layer's in this layer's network, using back-propagation in batch mode.
BPLayer - class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.BPLayer.
BPLayer is a class supporting creation and training of layered neural networks through back-propagation.
BPLayer(int) - Constructor for class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.BPLayer
Creates a neural network layer.
bpttPattern() - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.BPLayer
Steps through one pattern for Back-Prop Thru Time.
bpttPattern(int) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.BPLayer
Steps through one pattern for Back-Prop Thru Time.
bpttResetEta() - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.BPLayer
Resets current weight- and bias-changes for Back-Prop-Through-Time.
bpttUpdate(double, double, int) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.BPLayer
Updates weights and bias on layer using the Delta Rule, for Back-Prop-Through-Time.


connect(BPLayer) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.BPLayer
Makes a normal (full, Sigma) connection to this layer from another layer.
connect(BPLayer, BPLayer) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.BPLayer
Makes a Sigma-Pi connection to this layer from two other layers.
copy() - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNVector
Returns a deep copy of this vector.
copy() - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNMatrix
Returns a deep copy of this matrix.


delay(BPLayer) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.BPLayer
Same as delay(from, weight), with weight = 1.0.
delay(BPLayer, double) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.BPLayer
Makes one-to-one time-delay connection to this layer from the specified layer, using the specified connection strength.
divide(double) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNVector
Divides this vector by a scalar.
divide(double) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNMatrix
Divides this matrix by a scalar.
divide(SNMatrix, double) - Static method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNMatrix
Returns the quotient of a matrix and a scalar.
divide(SNVector, double) - Static method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNVector
Returns the quotient of a vector and a scalar.
dontCare() - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.BPLayer
Returns out-of-bounds value for don't-care condition.


edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI - package edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI
eucDist(SNVector) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNVector
Returns the Euclidean distance between this vector and another.


find(double) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNVector
Returns indices where vector equals scalar argument.


gaussianNoise(int, int, Random) - Static method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNMatrix
Returns a matrix of normally distributed random values.
gaussianNoise(int, Random) - Static method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNVector
Returns a vector of normally distributed random values.
ge(double) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNVector
Returns a vector containing ones where this vector's elements are greater than or equal to a scalar, and zeros elsewhere.
getBias() - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.BPLayer
Returns the bias on this layer.
getCols() - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNMatrix
Returns the number of columns of this Matrix.
getColumnDimension() - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.Map2D
Returns the number of columns in this map.
getMaxError() - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.BPLayer
Returns error of maximum magnitude on layer over all training patterns.
getRMSError() - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.BPLayer
Returns Root-Mean-Squared error on layer over all training patterns.
getRow(int) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNMatrix
Gets the row vector at a certain index of this matrix.
getRowDimension() - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.Map2D
Returns the number of rows in this map.
getRows() - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNMatrix
Returns the number of rows of this Matrix.
getSquaredErrors() - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.BPLayer
Returns squared errors on layer over all training patterns.
getUnit(double[]) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.Map2D
Returns indices of grid point whose reference vector is closest to a given vector.
getUnits() - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.Map2D
Returns indices of grid points from reference vectors.
getValue(int) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNVector
Returns an indexed value from this vector.
getValues() - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNVector
Returns a 1D array of the values contained in this vector.
getValues() - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNMatrix
Returns a 2D array of the values contained in this matrix.
getWeights() - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.Map2D
Returns current reference vector weights.
getWeights(BPLayer) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.BPLayer
Returns the weights on this layer from another layer (Sigma connection), as a 2D array.
getWeights(BPLayer, BPLayer) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.BPLayer
Returns the weights on this layer from two other layers (Sigma-Pi connection), as an array of 2D arrays.
grow(int, double, double, int) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.IGG
Runs the growth phase.


IGG - class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.IGG.
IGG implements Fritzke's Incremental Growing Grid network.
IGG(double[][]) - Constructor for class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.IGG
Builds IGG with random initial weights and uniform probability density function.
IGG(double[][], double[]) - Constructor for class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.IGG
Builds IGG with random initial weights.
IGG(double[][], double[], long) - Constructor for class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.IGG
Builds IGG with random initial weights.
IGG(double[][], double[], Random) - Constructor for class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.IGG
Builds IGG with random initial weights.
IGG(double[][], long) - Constructor for class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.IGG
Builds IGG with random initial weights and uniform probability density function.
IGG(double[][], Random) - Constructor for class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.IGG
Builds IGG with random initial weights and uniform probability density function.


le(double) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNVector
Returns a vector containing ones where this vector's elements are less than or equal to a scalar, and zeros elsewhere.
learn(double, double, double, double, int) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SOM
Runs learning iterations.
length() - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNVector
Returns the length of this vector.


Map2D - class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.Map2D.
Map2D is a general class for two-dimensional maps (SOM, IGG, ...).
max() - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNVector
Returns the largest value of any element in this vector.
max() - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNMatrix
Returns the value of the largest element of this matrix.
meanRows() - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNMatrix
Returns a vector repsenting the mean over the rows of this Matrix.
min() - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNVector
Returns the value of the smallest element of this vector.
multiply(double) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNVector
Multiplies this vector by a scalar.
multiply(SNMatrix) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNVector
Returns the product of this Vector and a Matrix.
multiply(SNMatrix, double) - Static method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNMatrix
Returns the product of a matrix and a scalar.
multiply(SNVector) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNVector
Multiplies the elements of this vector by those of another vector.
multiply(SNVector) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNMatrix
Returns the product of this matrix and a vector.
multiply(SNVector, double) - Static method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNVector
Returns the product of a vector and a scalar.


ne(double) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNVector
Returns a vector containing ones where this vector's elements are not equal to a scalar, and zeros elsewhere.
ne(double) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNMatrix
Returns a matrix containing ones where this matrix's elements are not equal to a scalar, and zeros elsewhere.
nycDist(SNVector) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNVector
Returns the Manhattan distance (L1 norm of differences) between this vector and another.


online(int, double, double) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.BPLayer
Same as online(nep, eta, mu, report), but with error report every second.
online(int, double, double, int) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.BPLayer
Trains all layers in this layer's network, using back-propagation in on-line mode.
outer(SNVector) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNVector
Returns the outer product of this vector and another.


randomize() - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.BPLayer
Same as randomize(seed), with arbitrary seed.
randomize(long) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.BPLayer
Randomizes biases and weights on this layer.
randomize(Random) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.BPLayer
Randomizes biases and weights on this layer to values normally distributed around zero.
repmat(int) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNVector
Replicates this vector as a matrix.
reportValue(int, int, int, double, PrintStream) - Static method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.BPLayer
Reports a value in a friendly way.
resetMu() - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.BPLayer
Resets previous weight- and bias- changes.


setAll(double) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNVector
Sets all entries to a scalar.
setBias(double[]) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.BPLayer
Sets bias on this layer to the values in vector.
setRow(int, SNVector) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNMatrix
Sets the row vector at a certain index of this matrix.
setValue(int, double) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNVector
Sets an entry to a scalar at a certain index.
setWeights(BPLayer, BPLayer, double[][][]) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.BPLayer
Sets weights on this layer from two others (Sigma-Pi connection) to values in array of 2D arrays.
setWeights(BPLayer, double[][]) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.BPLayer
Sets weights on this layer from another (Sigma connection) to values in 2D array.
SNMatrix - class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNMatrix.
This class provides glue code for matrix operations in SNARLI.
SNMatrix(double[][]) - Constructor for class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNMatrix
Constructs a matrix using a 2D array of double-precision floating-point values.
SNMatrix(int, int) - Constructor for class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNMatrix
Constructs a matrix of all zeros.
SNVector - class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNVector.
This class provides glue code for vector operations in SNARLI.
SNVector(double[]) - Constructor for class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNVector
Constructs a vector using a 1D array of double-precision floating-point values.
SNVector(int) - Constructor for class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNVector
Constructs a vector of all zeros.
SOM - class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SOM.
SOM implements Kohonen's Self-Organizing Map.
SOM(double[][], int, int) - Constructor for class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SOM
Builds SOM with random initial weights and uniform probability density function.
SOM(double[][], int, int, double[]) - Constructor for class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SOM
Builds SOM with random initial weights.
SOM(double[][], int, int, double[], long) - Constructor for class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SOM
Builds SOM with random initial weights.
SOM(double[][], int, int, double[], Random) - Constructor for class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SOM
Builds SOM with random initial weights.
SOM(double[][], int, int, long) - Constructor for class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SOM
Builds SOM with random initial weights and uniform probability density function.
SOM(double[][], int, int, Random) - Constructor for class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SOM
Builds SOM with random initial weights and uniform probability density function.
sort() - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNVector
Returns a copy of this vector, sorted in ascending order.
subtract(double) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNVector
Subtracts a scalar from this vector.
subtract(SNMatrix, SNMatrix) - Static method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNMatrix
Returns the difference between two matrices.
subtract(SNVector) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNVector
Subtracts a vector from this vector.
subtract(SNVector, double) - Static method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNVector
Returns the difference between a vector and a scalar.
subtract(SNVector, SNVector) - Static method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNVector
Returns the difference between two vectors.
sum() - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNVector
Returns the sum of the elements of this vector.
sum() - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNMatrix
Returns the sum over all elements of this Matrix.
sumRows() - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNMatrix
Returns a vector representing the sum over the rows of this Matrix.


test() - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.BPLayer
Tests a (trained) network layer.
test(int, double) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.BPLayer
Tests a (recurrent) network layer without any input.
toString() - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNVector
Returns a String representation of this vector.
toString() - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNMatrix
Returns a String representation of this matrix.
transpose() - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.SNMatrix
Returns the transpose of this matrix.
tune(double, double, double, int) - Method in class edu.wlu.cs.levy.SNARLI.IGG
Runs the fine-tuning phase.